Amiga Plus Leser 19
Amiga Plus Leser CD 19.iso
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276 lines
" Object Class is the Root of all other Classes in AmigaTalk. "
" The perform: methods are NOT part of the original Little "
" Smalltalk code. They might be moved sometime in the future. "
Class Object
identityHash " Added on 02-Apr-2002 "
^ <primitive 5 self>
== anObject
^ <primitive 7 self anObject >
~~ x
^ (self == x) not
= x
^ (self == x) "Is the receiver equal to x??"
~= x
^ (self = x) not "Is the receiver NOT equal to x??"
^ <primitive 152 (self class)> "Avoid recursion!"
"^ self class printString" "<<--Infinite recursive method."
^ self asString asSymbol "Return the class a Symbol."
yourself "Synonym for self."
^ self
^ <primitive 1 self>
^ self shallowCopy
deepCopy ! size newobj !
size <- <primitive 4 self>.
(size < 0)
ifTrue: [^ self] "if special just copy object"
ifFalse: [ newobj <- self class new.
(1 to: size) do: [:i |
<primitive 112 newobj i ( <primitive 111 self i > copy ) > ].
^ newobj
^ self
do: aBlock ! item !
item <- self first.
^ [item notNil]
whileTrue: [ aBlock value: item.
item <- self next
do: aBlock without: anObject ! item ! "Added on 20-Jun-2001 (JTS)"
(anObject == nil)
ifFalse: [ item <- self first.
^ [item notNil]
whileTrue: [ (item ~~ anObject)
ifTrue: [aBlock value: item].
item <- self next
ifTrue: [ self do: aBlock ]
error: aString
<primitive 122 aString self>
isKindOf: aClass ! objectClass !
objectClass <- self class.
[objectClass notNil] whileTrue:
[(objectClass == aClass) ifTrue: [^ true].
objectClass <- objectClass superClass].
^ false
isMemberOf: aClass
^ aClass == self class
ifKindOf: aClass thenDo: aBlock
^ (self isKindOf: aClass)
ifTrue: [aBlock value: self]
^ false
^ nil
^ true
<primitive 121 (self printString)>
<primitive 120 (self printString)>
^ self asString
respondsTo: cmd
^ self class respondsTo: cmd
shallowCopy ! size newobj !
size <- <primitive 4 self>.
(size < 0)
ifTrue: [^ self] "if special just copy object"
ifFalse: [ newobj <- self class new.
(1 to: size) do: [:i |
<primitive 112 newobj i <primitive 111 self i > > ].
^ newobj ]
asciiToString: aNumber ! masked !
" Convert aNumber into a single-character String: "
masked <- <primitive 23 aNumber 16rFF>.
^ <primitive 96 masked>
subclassResponsibility: methodString ! msg !
msg <- String new: 'Method ',methodString,' should be implemented in a SubClass!'.
^ <primitive 181 13 msg 'User ERROR:' 'OKAY'>
notImplemented: methodString ! msg !
msg <- String new: 'Method ',methodString,' NOT implemented!'.
^ <primitive 181 13 msg 'User ERROR:' 'OKAY'>
doesNotUnderstand: methodString ! msg !
msg <- String new: 'Method ',methodString,' NOT understood!'.
^ <primitive 181 13 msg 'User ERROR:' 'OKAY'>
shouldNotImplement: methodString ! msg !
msg <- String new: 'Method ',methodString,' should NOT BE implemented!'.
^ <primitive 181 13 msg 'User ERROR:' 'OKAY'>
^ <primitive 181 13 'NOT yet implemented!' 'User ERROR:' 'OKAY'>
perform: selector ! argArray !
" Send the unary selector to the receiver: "
(selector isMemberOf: Symbol)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Selector argument must be a Symbol!'].
(self respondsTo: selector)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Do NOT respondTo: ', selector ].
argArray <- Array new: 1.
argArray at: 1 put: self.
^ <primitive 143 argArray selector>
perform: selector orSendTo: otherTarget
" If I wish to intercept and handle selector myself,
* do it; else send it to otherTarget
^ otherTarget perform: selector
perform: selector with: anObject ! argArray !
" Send the selector, aSymbol, to the receiver with
* anObject as its argument:
(selector isMemberOf: Symbol)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Selector argument must be a Symbol!'].
(self respondsTo: selector)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Do NOT respondTo: ', selector ].
argArray <- Array new: 2.
argArray at: 1 put: self.
argArray at: 2 put: anObject.
^ <primitive 143 argArray selector>
perform: selector withArguments: argArray ! lsArray !
" Send the selector, aSymbol, to the receiver with
* arguments in argArray. Fail if the number of
* arguments expected by the selector does not match
* the size of lsArray:
(argArray size = 0)
ifTrue: [ ^ self perform: selector ]. " Short-circuit stupid User "
(argArray size = 1) " Short-circuit stupid User: "
ifTrue: [ ^ self perform: selector with: (argArray at: 1) ].
" Go the long way around: "
lsArray <- Array new: ((argArray size) + 1).
(selector isMemberOf: Symbol)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Selector argument must be a Symbol!'].
(selector numArgs = argArray size)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Incorrect number of arguments!'].
(self respondsTo: selector)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Do NOT respondTo: ', selector ].
lsArray at: 1 put: self.
(2 to: lsArray size)
do: [:ele | lsArray at: ele put: (argArray at: (ele - 1))].
^ <primitive 143 lsArray selector>
perform: selector with: firstObject with: secondObject ! argArray !
" Send the selector, aSymbol, to the receiver with the
* given arguments.
(selector isMemberOf: Symbol)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Selector argument must be a Symbol!'].
(self respondsTo: selector)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Do NOT respondTo: ', selector ].
argArray <- Array new: 3.
argArray at: 1 put: self.
argArray at: 2 put: firstObject.
argArray at: 3 put: secondObject.
^ <primitive 143 argArray selector>
perform: selector with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject ! argArray !
" Send the selector, aSymbol, to the receiver with the given arguments: "
(selector isMemberOf: Symbol)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Selector argument must be a Symbol!'].
(self respondsTo: selector)
ifFalse: [^ self error: 'Do NOT respondTo: ', selector ].
argArray <- Array new: 4.
argArray at: 1 put: self.
argArray at: 2 put: firstObject.
argArray at: 3 put: secondObject.
argArray at: 4 put: thirdObject.
^ <primitive 143 argArray selector>
performUpdate: aSymbol with: anObject
self perform: aSymbol with: anObject
performUpdate: aSymbol
self perform: aSymbol
breakPoint: msgString
^ <primitive 209 10 0 msgString>